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Diacamma rugosum

 Known commonly as the Asian Bullet Ant, They have a much less potent sting than their name-sake.


 A Completely queen less species of Ant, working on a Gammergate System

 Acting as lone hunters, they will swarm when they find prey and quickly dispatch it, dragging the body back to the nest rather than eating it in the open.

Large and aggressive, they are a spectacle to watch. Colonies don’t often grow more than 200 workers.

This species of ant is really bad at climbing, they often for that reason stay at ground level or just above.


Nesting in plants or under rotting wood they form large tunnel entrances to fit their prey items in.


Coming from a warm environment they prefer to be kept warm and humid although very hardy they can survive large drops in temp for short times.

  • All workers have the ability to be a gamergate, workers will fight between themselves to establish a dominant worker who will go on to mate with a male.

  • This gamergate will castrate new workers as they are hatched to preserve her throne

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