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 Myrmeleon (Ant lion) Also known as Doodle Bugs


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 These are an ant-lion genus in the subfamily Myrmeleontinae, of which their is around 2000 species stretched across the world.

There diet consists mainly of ants, but they will consider anything that they can overpower in their pit, like spiders, flies, mites, small beetles, and caterpillars. 


A hardy invertebrate, Antlions can live happily at a wide range of temperatures from around 15C to 27C.

Feeding should be often every 2-3 days, Antlions will often feed until they are full and then refuse food but do not worry Antlions can live up to a week without feeding

Larval body length 4- 7mm. 

Lacewing Stage 10-15mm.


 They dig conical pits in dry sand to create a slippery surface to "Trap" and capture their prey, This is a fascinating process where the Antlion will show its amazing strength, able to move small stones and objects from its path. Once the prey falls inside it will struggle to gain grip and climb out to safety.



Antlions can be housed together, making for a fun and interesting pet. Antlions can be handled if you are very gentle, We recomend the upmost care if choosing to handle these fragile creatures. We advise laying your hand flat with a small amount of sand to place it on. Beware they can bite if they feel threatened, using a small amount on venom, this will cause a sharp burning pain that may last a few minutes but is not harmful to humans. This venom is used to incapacitate their prey, turning the insides of Ants and other small insects into liquid.



A often worrying moment when you look at its either not moving or rolled on it back? Well don't panic, Antlions often play dead, just wait a few minuets and it should start moving again.


 Antlions should be kept in containers half-filled with dry sand. containers such as large plastic water cups, aquariums, insect cages, bowls, etc. The important factor is it should be at least 4 inches deep . If the level of the sand is too low, the antlion will not be able to make an effective pit trap, this will also allow for your Antlion's growth, and a larger pit.


 The Larva stage can last a many years, once metamorphosis is complete, It is known as a Ant Lion Lacewing, These flying insects do not live long, but are very beautiful in the mean-time.

To house this stage, make sure you have a mesh lid on your enclosure with as much height as possible, it is advised to move adults to a mesh enclosure. Place a large stick or branch inside as a perch and somewhere to stretch out their wings.


Once in this stage, keep together with a good supply of food, Lacewings can be furious eaters, eating 1000s of aphids or other small insects in their short life span, They will also feed on pollen if not suitable insects are available


 Antlions do not require supplementary water they obtain all they need from their prey. Although if you think they may need more, you can give the sand a light spray once every two weeks. 

Take care not to flood the enclosure as Antlions can easily drown in their pit traps.



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Company No: 14617607

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Over 14 years experience caring for Ants.

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